Wednesday 25 April 2007

The Twang - Either Way

The trouble with love songs is that they're often too neat and modulated. As if something so raw and consuming and contradictory could ever be adequately captured with a few carefully selected words and a nice tune.

This is the least articulate love song ever. It's buzzing on speed, bouncing off the walls of a shabby phone kiosk, trying to syphon the contents of your heart into a greasy mouthpiece. "You should never drink and dial", goes the line in Sideways. That's exactly what's happening here - unfiltered outpouring.

There's a laugh-out-loud perfect moment where he's practically hyperventilating and... and... desperately trying to tell her... and... and... maybe isn't explaining himself too well... and... and... he just thinks fuck it, and shouts, "I LOVE YER!" in a gutteral great Stan Collymore voice.

And there's a xylophone solo!

[MP3] The Twang - Either Way

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